1 out of 10


1. Write the action verb that better describes the motion in the video:


[0] => jump
[1] => jump
[2] => jump
[3] => hop
[4] => jump
[5] => jump

2. Please narrate what is happening in the video. You are allowed to include subjective information, for example, why is the person performing the action(s), what is the character feeling, where or who is this person, etc.

[0] => A male jumping forward
[1] => A person is jumping.
[2] => Bag jumping competition
[3] => The person is hopping like a rabbit to entertain their children.
[4] => Person is jumping and moving forward.
[5] => Person is jumping in one certain direction. Each jump is the same high and speed. It slightly reminds of a rabbit.

3. Tick the checkbox if the statement is true:
- I see more than one different action:

[0] => false
[1] => false
[2] => false
[3] => false
[4] => false
[5] => false

- I think this is a common action: [0] => true
[1] => true
[2] => false
[3] => false
[4] => false
[5] => true

- I can perform this action: [0] => true
[1] => true
[2] => true
[3] => true
[4] => true
[5] => true


2 out of 10


1. Write the action verb that better describes the motion in the video:


[0] => climb
[1] => Climb
[2] => climb
[3] => climb
[4] => climb
[5] => climb

2. Please narrate what is happening in the video. You are allowed to include subjective information, for example, why is the person performing the action(s), what is the character feeling, where or who is this person, etc.

[0] => A female climbing an object
[1] => A person is climbing up in search of something. the person is anxious.
[2] => Climbing up a ladder to look into a well
[3] => The person climbs up some stairs on a turret of a castle and peers over the edge.
[4] => Women is climbing the stairs and looking for something outside.
[5] => This person slowly climbs one stair. This person feeling relaxed and wandering of what is happening. He believes that his little climb will helpt to understand something which makes him feel inquisitive.

3. Tick the checkbox if the statement is true:
- I see more than one different action:

[0] => false
[1] => true
[2] => true
[3] => true
[4] => false
[5] => true

- I think this is a common action:

[0] => true
[1] => true
[2] => true
[3] => true
[4] => false
[5] => true

- I can perform this action:

[0] => true
[1] => true
[2] => true
[3] => true
[4] => true
[5] => true


3 out of 10


1. Write the action verb that better describes the motion in the video:


[0] => climb
[1] => Climb
[2] => walk
[3] => climb
[4] => climb
[5] => reach

2. Please narrate what is happening in the video. You are allowed to include subjective information, for example, why is the person performing the action(s), what is the character feeling, where or who is this person, etc.

[0] => A person climbing up stairs
[1] => A person walks and then climbs up holding on to an anchor in the center.
[2] => Walking up to a spiral staircase
[3] => The person is climbing a circular staircase.
[4] => Woman saw some structure and started to climb it. There are stairs but she also have to hold something to climb
[5] => This person walks towards a circled ladder, this ladder makes him feel a little confused. The coordination of this person a little bit differs from a coordination of a sober person. He reaches the ladder and starts slowly climbing.

3. Tick the checkbox if the statement is true:
- I see more than one different action:

[0] => false
[1] => true
[2] => true
[3] => true
[4] => false
[5] => true

- I think this is a common action:

[0] => true
[1] => true
[2] => true
[3] => true
[4] => false
[5] => true

- I can perform this action:

[0] => true
[1] => true
[2] => true
[3] => true
[4] => true
[5] => true


4 out of 10


1. Write the action verb that better describes the motion in the video:


[0] => swing
[1] => Swing
[2] => exercise
[3] => swing
[4] => sit
[5] => climb of something

2. Please narrate what is happening in the video. You are allowed to include subjective information, for example, why is the person performing the action(s), what is the character feeling, where or who is this person, etc.

[0] => swinging from a bar
[1] => A person is trying to jump out from a higher place he is sitting. He is swinging his legs.
[2] => Resting on two parallel bars with hand support
[3] => The person is sitting on a ledge and swinging their legs on a nice summer day while enjoying the sunshine.
[4] => Person is sitting on the edge and swinging legs. He/She seems relaxed and enjoying
[5] => This person tries to carefully climb of something that he used to sit or stay on. He starts to move with the help of his hands and then adds the movements of his legs.

3. Tick the checkbox if the statement is true:
- I see more than one different action:

[0] => false
[1] => false
[2] => false
[3] => true
[4] => false
[5] => true

- I think this is a common action:

[0] => false
[1] => true
[2] => true
[3] => true
[4] => true
[5] => false

- I can perform this action:

[0] => true
[1] => true
[2] => false
[3] => true
[4] => true
[5] => true


5 out of 10


1. Write the action verb that better describes the motion in the video:


[0] => walk
[1] => Walk
[2] => Walk
[3] => walk
[4] => walk
[5] => walk forward

2. Please narrate what is happening in the video. You are allowed to include subjective information, for example, why is the person performing the action(s), what is the character feeling, where or who is this person, etc.

[0] => walking steadily
[1] => A person walks forward.
[2] => Walking down a straight road
[3] => The person is walking to meet a business associate.
[4] => Person is walking straight. He looked at left once while walking
[5] => Person is walking forward, keeping his chin up. It seems like this person is really proud or satisfied with something.

3. Tick the checkbox if the statement is true:
- I see more than one different action:

[0] => false
[1] => false
[2] => false
[3] => false
[4] => false
[5] => false

- I think this is a common action:

[0] => true
[1] => true
[2] => true
[3] => true
[4] => true
[5] => true

- I can perform this action:

[0] => true
[1] => true
[2] => true
[3] => true
[4] => true
[5] => true


6 out of 10


1. Write the action verb that better describes the motion in the video:


[0] => throw
[1] => Throw
[2] => throw
[3] => throw
[4] => throw
[5] => throw

2. Please narrate what is happening in the video. You are allowed to include subjective information, for example, why is the person performing the action(s), what is the character feeling, where or who is this person, etc.

[0] => throwing a ball
[1] => A person is demonstrating how to throw.
[2] => A very unpracticed basketball throwing action
[3] => The person throws a ball with two hands. The ball is about the size of a basketball but is heavier, like an exercise ball.
[4] => Person is throwing something. He might be playing a ball game
[5] => This person is throwing some object. He is passing this object to someone else. The oblect that he is passing is definitely bigger than his head.

3. Tick the checkbox if the statement is true:
- I see more than one different action:

[0] => false
[1] => false
[2] => false
[3] => false
[4] => false
[5] => false

- I think this is a common action:

[0] => true
[1] => true
[2] => true
[3] => true
[4] => false
[5] => true

- I can perform this action:

[0] => true
[1] => true
[2] => true
[3] => true
[4] => true
[5] => true


7 out of 10


1. Write the action verb that better describes the motion in the video:


[0] => arrange
[1] => Organise
[2] => Describing
[3] => deal
[4] => organise
[5] => gather someting not solid

2. Please narrate what is happening in the video. You are allowed to include subjective information, for example, why is the person performing the action(s), what is the character feeling, where or who is this person, etc.

[0] => arranging objects
[1] => A person is organizing his desk.
[2] => She is explaining what is kept in front of her to a friend
[3] => The person is dealing cards at a blackjack table in Las Vegas.
[4] => Person seems to divide and collect some stuff.
[5] => This person is trying to gather something which is not solid. It could be sand or flour. He starts to gather it far from himself and brings it closer to him.

3. Tick the checkbox if the statement is true:
- I see more than one different action:

[0] => false
[1] => true
[2] => false
[3] => true
[4] => false
[5] => true

- I think this is a common action:

[0] => true
[1] => true
[2] => true
[3] => false
[4] => false
[5] => false

- I can perform this action

[0] => true
[1] => true
[2] => true
[3] => true
[4] => true
[5] => true


8 out of 10


1. Write the action verb that better describes the motion in the video:


[0] => exercise
[1] => Gesture
[2] => signingno
[3] => instruct
[4] => Compose
[5] => smooth out something

2. Please narrate what is happening in the video. You are allowed to include subjective information, for example, why is the person performing the action(s), what is the character feeling, where or who is this person, etc.

[0] => Doing morning exercises
[1] => A person is doing Martial arts.
[2] => He is saying no in a very exaggerated way
[3] => The person is giving instructions about how to play a game.
[4] => Person is a composer.
[5] => This person tries to smooth out the surface, however it could be an abstract sign of him being pissed off. However he stands firmly and makes an impression of a calm person.

3. Tick the checkbox if the statement is true:
- I see more than one different action:

[0] => false
[1] => false
[2] => false
[3] => true
[4] => false
[5] => true

- I think this is a common action:

[0] => true
[1] => false
[2] => false
[3] => false
[4] => false
[5] => false

- I can perform this action:

[0] => true
[1] => true
[2] => true
[3] => true
[4] => false
[5] => true


9 out of 10


1. Write the action verb that better describes the motion in the video:


[0] => exercise
[1] => Cartwheel
[2] => sideflip
[3] => spin
[4] => Stunt
[5] => perform

2. Please narrate what is happening in the video. You are allowed to include subjective information, for example, why is the person performing the action(s), what is the character feeling, where or who is this person, etc.

[0] => Doing Acrobatics
[1] => A person turns around and does a cartwheel. He is dancing.
[2] => moderately fit person side flipping
[3] => This person is practicing how to do a gymnastics move that is very hard and they fall. They will keep on practicing until they get it right.
[4] => Person is a stuntman and performing different stunt.
[5] => This person has a training and tries to perform a trick. He runs up, performs a trick, doesn't manage to perform a soft ending of a trick, fall down, however he is not surprised with fall, he gets up and it seems like he moves on with his training.

3. Tick the checkbox if the statement is true:
- I see more than one different action:

[0] => false
[1] => true
[2] => true
[3] => true
[4] => true
[5] => true

- I think this is a common action:

[0] => false
[1] => false
[2] => false
[3] => false
[4] => false
[5] => false

- I can perform this action:                  

[[0] => false
[1] => false
[2] => true
[3] => false
[4] => false
[5] => false


10 out of 10


1. Write the action verb that better describes the motion in the video:


[0] => exercise
[1] => Cartwheel
[2] => exercise
[3] => dance
[4] => Dance
[5] => dance

2. Please narrate what is happening in the video. You are allowed to include subjective information, for example, why is the person performing the action(s), what is the character feeling, where or who is this person, etc.

[0] => Doing Acrobatics
[1] => A person turns around and does a cartwheel. He is dancing.
[2] => moderately fit person side flipping
[3] => This person is practicing how to do a gymnastics move that is very hard and they fall. They will keep on practicing until they get it right.
[4] => Person is a stuntman and performing different stunt.
[5] => This person has a training and tries to perform a trick. He runs up, performs a trick, doesn't manage to perform a soft ending of a trick, fall down, however he is not surprised with fall, he gets up and it seems like he moves on with his training.

3. Tick the checkbox if the statement is true:
- I see more than one different action:

[0] => true
[1] => true
[2] => false
[3] => true
[4] => true
[5] => true

- I think this is a common action:

[0] => false
[1] => false
[2] => true
[3] => false
[4] => false
[5] => false

- I can perform this action:                  

[0] => false
[1] => false
[2] => false
[3] => false
[4] => false
[5] => false

Thank you for your participation! You are now ready to submit the hit!