Please read carefully the following instructions before accepting to join this experiment.
The purpose of this study is to understand how people perceive and describe different motions. In this experiment you will be asked to observe one short clip at a time (5 second clip). You will see ten clips in total.
You will be asked the following for each clip:
Input the action verb that better describes the motion. This verb should be inputted as an infinitive (e.g. walk instead of walking).
Narrate what is happening in the video. Write a few sentences telling a story of what the person in the video is doing. You can include some subjective information about why is the person performing the action(s), what is the character feeling, where or who is this person, etc. Make sure another person could imagine the content of the video by reading the short story you wrote.
Tick the checkbox if the statement you read is true. There are three statements:
- I see more than one different action (Do not tick this box if the person performs the same action multiple times!)
- I think this is a common action
- I can perform this action
After the clips, we will ask for some demographic information about you (e.g. gender, age, profession). The completion time for this HIT should take approximately FIVE (5) minutes. In order to get paid, please make sure that you answer all questions.
Thank you very much for participating in this study!
Start HIT